Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Aqua Timez 14th single released on Februari 22nd..!!!!

Finally Aqua Timez officially announce the date release of their 14th single "MASK" on February, 22nd 2012 soon. As we know, this song will be ending theme of anime Bleach that will on air on 10th January next year. 
Specification :

As the additional information, this single also available in limited edition with present "wide stamps" bleach. About song amount and song title information is still can't be informed.
Minna san, matte kudasai ne...!!

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Read and upload your Indonesian Comic @ngomik.com

Tampilan depan ngomik.com
Bagi komikus Indonesia, sebagai tempat untuk “pelampiasan” hasil karyanya, Ngomik.com merupakan salah satu media untuk membaca dan mempublikasikan komik buatan kalian.

Melalui ngomik.com, para pembuat komik bisa:
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Salah satu komik @ngomik.com
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Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Perkembangan Perkomikan Indonesia

Komik Indonesia zaman dulu
 Cara bercerita dengan menggunakan gambar sudah dikenal di Indonesia sejak zaman kerajaan-kerajaan di kepulauan nusantara. Salah satu contoh cara bercerita menggunakan gambar ini pada masa purbakala adalah relief-relief yang terdapat pada candi-candi yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
 Komik Indonesia lahir pada 1931 ketika harian Sin Po memuat komik humor yang menceritakan tentang seorang tokoh gendut Put On, karya Kho Wang Gie. Kemudian disusul dengan mingguan Star Magazine yang memuat Si Tolol, dan Star Weekly dengan Oh Koen. Komik Indonesia pada awal kelahirannya dapat di bagi menjadi dua kategori besar, yaitu komik strip dan buku komik. Di awal tahun 1950-an, salah satu pionir komik bernama Abdulsalam menerbitkan komik strip heroiknya di harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, Yogyakarta, salah satunya berjudul “Kisah Pendudukan Jogja”, bercerita tentang agresi militer Belanda ke atas kota Yogyakarta. Komik ini kemudian dibukukan oleh harian “Pikiran Rakyat” dari Bandung. Sebagian pengamat komik berpendapat bahwa inilah buku komik pertama-tama oleh artis komik Indonesia.
Hingga pada tahun 1954, banyak komikus Indonesia yang menjiplak dan melakukan imitasi terhadap cerita-cerita serta superhero dari komik-komik barat. Selain itu juga banyak dibuat komik-komik yang menceritakan kisah-kisah perjuangan kemerdekaan hingga kepada dongeng dan legenda. Hingga pertengahan tahun 1971, judul komik Indonesia yang terbit dan beredar berada di atas angka 800.
Periode 1970-an muncul banyak komik fantasi Indonesia, yang merupakan pengaruh masuknya komik superhero Amerika terbitan Marvel Comics, DC Comics, dan lainnya. Bahkan beberapa komikus banyak beralih membuat komik fantasi seperti Kus Bram. Selain itu juga muncul genre silat dengan fantasi dan mistik. Sayangnya perkembangan komik Indonesia yang pernah mengalami masa keemasan tersebut mulai surut sekitar tahun 1970, disusul dengan masuknya komik-komik lisensi yang diterbitkan di Indonesia, seperti misalnya Tintin, Lucky Luke, Richie Rich, Casper, Smurf dan lain-lain. Sekitar tahun 1990 mulai masuk komik-komik dari Jepang (Candy- candy, Doraemon, Kung Fu Boy) dan Hong Kong (Tiger Wong, Tapak Sakti).
Gerakan komik lokal 90-an. Setelah kemandegan komik lokal hingga awal 90-an, generasi baru mulai muncul. Generasi baru 90-an sebagian besar adalah para mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di kota-kota besar terpusat di Jakarta, Bandung, Yogya pelan-pelan mulai membangun frame gerakan komik masing-masing. Komikus-komikus muda cenderung menerima pengaruh dari style komik Jepang dan Amerika. Meski tidak semua mengadopsi gaya tersebut, tapi pilihan terhadap gaya Jepang atau Amerika nampak pada komikus atau studio komik yang lebih berorientasi pada kondisi pasar sekarang.
Ada dua aliran utama yang mendominasi komik modern Indonesia, yaitu Amerika (lebih dikenal dengan comics) dan Jepang (dengan stereotype manga).
Salah satu komik terbitan KOLONI
Belakangan, Komik Indonesia yang banyak diterbitkan oleh KOLONI, salah satu lini penerbitan komik milik m&c Gramedia Grup, lebih banyak menampilkan komik Indonesia dengan gaya gambar "manga". Beberapa komikus sepakat, Komik Indonesia adalah komik yang dibuat (cerita dan/atau gambarnya), diproduksi, disebarluaskan, oleh komikus & orang-orang Indonesia. dan DI INDONESIA.
Beberapa nama komikus Indonesia yang sedang naik daun sekarang contohnya Is Yuniarto, Mazjojo, Galang Tirtakusuma, Aloysius Alfa, Anca Sulaiman, dll. Dan beberapa studio komik yaitu LESEHAN, KOMIKERS, dll.
Satu hal yang sangat ironis, sekarang banyak komikus muda sibuk dituntut untuk membuat “komik Indonesia”, padahal sebagian besar dari mereka hanya sempat membaca 1 atau 2 buah karya “leluhurnya”. Karena itulah banyak komikus muda yang sulit menemukan gambaran yang sempurna tentang komik Indonesia yang ideal. Padahal kalau dicermati, komik Indonesia masa lalu mengungkap fakta bahwa sejak dahulu para komikus senior tidak pernah memusingkan tentang bagaimanakah “komik Indonesia” yang sebenarnya. Terbukti bahwa mereka juga terpengaruh oleh komik-komik asing pada masa itu. Yang jelas, mereka membuat karyanya dengan sepenuh hati dan jujur, terlihat dari alur cerita yang menarik, karakter yang kuat, serta teknik berkomik yang luar biasa. Maju terus KOMIK INDONESIA! :)

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

ARASHI's : Sakurai Sho

Full Name : Sakurai Sho
Known As : Sakurai Sho
Nickname : Sho-kun, Sho-chan, Keio boy
Place of Birth : Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth : January 25, 1982
Lives in : Japan
Height : 170 cm (5 ft 7 in)
Blood Type : A
Profession : Singer, rapper, actor, newscaster, host, radio host
Education : Keio University  
Talent agency : Johnny's Entertainment

Sakurai was born in Minato, Tokyo as the oldest child of his family. He has two younger siblings: a sister who is five years younger and a brother who is thirteen years younger. 
Sakurai attended Keio Yochisha Elementary School, an affiliated elementary school to Keio University, after passing the entrance examinations. Despite already having an established career with Arashi by the time he graduated from high school, Sakurai went on to attend Keio University, graduating with a degree in economics in 2004.

Sho is famous for his proud drawings of Totoro and Panda (G no 嵐), the worst drawer of the group. Beside from looking the manliest (he raps and write his rap lyrics) Sho is actually one of the most scaredy-cat member. Despite being all serious as a news caster, he goes right after to film Arashi no Shukudai-kun where he often shows his dorky side along with the other four members.  



  • [2001] Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Otoko 2
  • [2002] Kisarazu Cat's Eye
  • [2003] Yoiko no Mikata
  • [2003] Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru
  • [2004] Tokio~Chichi e no Dengon~
  • [2007] Yamada Taro Monogatari
  • [2009] Uta no Onii-san (Episode 7)
  • [2009] The Quiz Show
  • [2009] My Girl (Episode 10)
  • [2010] Saigou no Yakusoku
  • [2010] Kobe Shinbun no Nanokakan
  • [2010] Tokujo Kabachi!!


  • [2003] Pika*nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY
  • [2003] Kisarazu Cat's Eye Japan Series
  • [2004] Pika*nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakara HAPPY
  • [2006] Hachimitsu to Clover
  • [2006] Kisarazu Cat's Eye World Series
  • [2007] Kiiroi Namida
  • [2009] Yatterman (live-action movie) as Gan-chan/Yatta One
  • [2011] Kamisama no Karute / God's Medical Note

TV Shows

  • C no Arashi
  • D no Arashi
  • G no Arashi
  • Mago Mago Arashi
  • Arashi no Shukudai kun
  • News Zero

TV Series

  • 47 prefectures of Japan (General Region Battle Ranking SP~SP5)
  • Yonimo Kimyou na Monogatari (Sainou Dama)
  • Sekiguchi no Tokyo Friend Park II (Grand Slam w/ Ninomiya Kazunari)


Plays & Musicals

  • [1997-1998] Johnny's Fantasy
  • [2004] West Side Story
  • [2006] The Beautiful Game (ビューティフルゲーム)


  • Shiseido UNO (2006)
  • C1000 (2006 ~ )
  • Nivea 8x4 (2006 ~)
  • AU by KDDI (2008 ~)
  • Asahi Mitsuya Cider


  • 5th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (2001-02): Best Newcomer - Heaven Cannot Wait 2 
  • GQ Japan Men of the Year 2009 Awards 

ARASHI's : Ohno Satoshi

Full Name : Ohno Satoshi
Nickname : Ohno, Leader, Oh chan, Samii, Ohji chan, Captain, Riida
Place of Birth : Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth : November 26, 1980 
Height : 166 cm
Blood Type : A
Lives in : Japan 
Star Sign : Sagittarius
Profession : Actor, Model, Musician, Singer, Songwriter, TV Host
Hobbies : drawing, sleeping, and fishing  
Star sign: Sagittarius 
Talent agency: Johnny's Entertainment
Ohno was born in Mitaka, Tokyo as the youngest child of his family. He has one older sister. During middle school, his mother sent in his application to Johnny & Associates without his knowledge. An invitation to audition was sent back to Ohno, and he subsequently became a trainee in October 1994. In order to focus on the stage play Kyo to Kyo, which ran from 1997 to 1998 during his trainee days, he withdrew from high school and moved to Kyoto.
Ohno's family includes himself, his mother and father, and an older sister. Ohno is said to be very close to his mother, and has mentioned that she even buys his clothes for him. It was his mother who got him to audition for Johnnys. During the auditions, he saw her outside of a window and waved to her, catching the attention of one of the people running the audition. He was asked to come towards the front and dance, and he believes this may be how he passed the audition.
Ohno is also known for his artisic talent. He has shown some of his drawings on television programs, and had a special corner on the program D no Arashi! called "O no Arashi!" in which he was challenged to select two photos at random and attempt to combine them in one drawing. Ohno has also worked with clay sculpture, and recently has expressed an interest in wood carving as well as in building a house.



  • [1999] V no Arashi (Vの嵐)
  • [2001] Shijou Saiaku no Date (史上最悪のデート)
  • [2001] SPEED STAR
  • [2002] Shounen Taiya "Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san" (少年タイヤ「青木さん家の奥さん」)
  • [2003] Yoiko no Mikata ~Shinmai Houikushi no Monogarari~ Episode 8 (よい子の味方~新米保育士物語~)
  • [2004] Shibun no Ichi no Kizuna (四分の一の絆)
  • [2004] Gekidan Engimono (劇団演技者)
  • [2007] Yamado Taro Monogatari (Last episode)
  • [2008] Maou (魔王)
  • [2009] Uta no Onii-san (歌のおにいさん)
  • [2009] 0 Goshitsu no Kyaku
  • [2010] Saigou no Yakusoku
  • [2010] Tokujo Kabachi!! (Episode 10)
  • [2010] Kaibutsu-kun
  • [2010] Kaibutsu-kun SP
  • [2010] Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari


  • [2002] Pika*nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY (ピカ☆ンチ LIFE IS HARDだけどHAPPY)
  • [2003] Pika*nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakara HAPPY (ピカ☆☆ンチ LIFE IS HARDだからHAPPY)
  • [2007] Kiiroi Namida (黄色い涙)


  • [2000.04.15 - 12.16] Gakibara Teikoku 2000! (ガキバラ帝国2000!)
  • [2001.01.15 - 03.10] Gakibara! (ガキバラ!)
  • [2001.04.14 - 2003.09.13] USO! Japan (USO!ジャパン)
  • [2001.03.25 - 2002.06.26] Mayonaka no Arashi (真夜中の嵐)
  • [2002.01.04] Arashi no Narikiri Variety Inu no Kimochi ni Natte Mimashita Wan! (嵐のなりきりバラエティー犬のキモチになってみましたワン!)
  • [2002.07.03 - 2003.06.15] C no Arashi! (Cの嵐!)
  • [2002.10.05 - 2004.03.27] Nama Arashi (なまあらし)
  • [2003.07.02 - 2005.09.28] D no Arashi! (Dの嵐!)
  • [2003.10.11 - 2004.09.18] Tanken! Homunkurusu ~Nou to Karada no Mystery~ (探検!ホムンクルス~脳と体のミステリー~)
  • [2004.04.03 - 2005.03.26] Arashi no Waza Ari! (嵐の技ありっ!)
  • [2005.03.30] Australia Tairiku Juudan! Gekitou 3000kilo Ultra Strong Game (オーストラリア大陸縦断!激闘3000キロ ウルトラストロングゲーム)
  • [2005.04.09 - present] Mago Mago Arashi! (まごまご嵐!)
  • [2005.10.05 - 2006.09.25] G no Arashi! (Gの嵐!)
  • [2006.10.02 - present] Arashi no Shukudai-kun (嵐の宿題くん)


Stage Plays

  • [1997 - 1998] Johnny's Fantasy "KYO TO KYO" (ジャニーズファンタジー「KYO TO KYO」)
  • [1997] MASK - V6 Hen (MASK・V6編)
  • [1999] MASK - Domoto Koichi Hen (MASK・堂本光一編)
  • [1999] PLAYZONE "Goodbye & Hello" (PLAYZONE「Goodbye & Hello」) - Shounentai musical
  • [2001] PLAYZONE'01 "Shinseki Emotion" (PLAYZONE'01 "新世紀"EMOTION)
  • [2002] Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san (青木さん家の奥さん)
  • [2003] Sengokupu (センゴクプー)
  • [2004] TRUE WEST
  • [2004] WEST SIDE STORY
  • [2005] Bakumatsubanpu ~Bakumatsu Banpu~ (バクマツバンプー~幕末蛮風~)
  • [2006] Tenseikunpu ~Tensei Kunpu~ (テンセイクンプー~転世薫風~) 



Solo Songs

Note: Many of these songs have been performed in concert only, and therefore do not have a CD release.
  • [2000] Mr. Cool (Suppin Arashi First Concert)
  • [2001, 2006] Deep Sorrow Deep Sorrow (Playzone'01 "Shinseiki Emotion", 3104yen Solo Concert)
  • [2003] So-So-So (How's it Going Tour)
  • [2003-2004] Machi ga Irozuku Koro, duet with Aiba Masaki (Winter Concert)
  • [2004] Top Secret (Iza, Now! Tour)
  • [2005] Rain (One album, One Summer Tour)
  • [2006] Size (3104yen Solo Concert)
  • [2006] Dice (3104yen Solo Concert)
  • [2006] Oretachi no Song, duet with Sakurai Sho (3104yen Solo concert, The Show Sakurai Sho solo concert)
  • [2006] Ready to Fly, featuring the rest of ARASHI (ARASHIC album)
  • [2007] Song for me (Time album)

Solo Concerts

  • [2006.01.29 - 2006.02.26] Extra Storm in Winter 06' 2006 x Otoshidama/Arashi=3104yen (Extra Storm in Winter 06' 2006×お年玉/嵐=3104円) 


ARASHI's Ninomiya Kazunari

Full Name : Kazunari Ninomiya
Known As : Ninomiya Kazunari
Nickname : Nino 
Place of Birth : Tokyo, Japan 
Lives in : Japan
Date of Birth : June 17, 1983
Star Sign : Gemini
Profession : Actor, Model, Musician, Singer, Songwriter, TV Host 
Famous For : Letters from Iwo Jima  (2006) 
Family: Sister (2 years older) 
Talent agency: Johnny's Entertainment

Ninomiya was born in Katsushika, Tokyo as the youngest child of his family.. His father and mother were both working as chefs when they met and his sister is two years older than he is. His parents divorced early in his life and his father left the family soon after.When Ninomiya was born, his grandfather immediately came home and named him the heir to the family's windshield factory since he was his grandfather's only grandson. However, when Ninomiya was twelve years old, his cousin sent in an application to Johnny & Associates without his knowledge. After attending and passing the auditions due to his mother's prodding, he joined the talent agency.
Ninomiya graduated from high school in March 2002 at the age of 18.

In 2004, Ninomiya penned and composed "Kako" (痕跡) for his solo performance during Arashi's Iza, Now!! tour. In 2008, Ninomiya composed, co-arranged and penned the lyrics for his solo "Gimmick Game". In 2010, Ninomiya also composed, co-arranged and penned the lyrics for his solo "1992*4##111". He also composed his another solo's, like Niji, and the newest is "Doko ni Demo Aru Uta"

Kazunari Ninomiya, often called Nino, is an award winning Japanese idol, singer, songwriter, actor, television personality, seiyu and radio host. He is best known to movie audiences for his portrayal as Private Saigo in the 2006 Clint Eastwood war film "Letters from Iwo Jima".


  • [1998.01.01] Amagi Goe (天城越え)
  • [1998.10 - 1998.12] Akimahende! (あきまへんで!)
  • [1999.04 - 1999.06] Abunai Houkago (あぶない放課後)
  • [1999.10.11 - 10.29] V no Arashi (Vの嵐) - with ARASHI
  • [2000.10 - 2000.12] Namida wo Fuite (涙をふいて)
  • [2001.10 - 2001.12] Handoku!!! (ハンドク!!!) - with Nagase Tomoya
  • [2003.01 - 2003.03] Netsuretsu Teki Chuuka Hanten (熱烈的中華飯店)
  • [2003.07 - 2003.09] Stand Up!! - with Yamashita Tomohisa
  • [2004.07 - 2004.09] Minamikun no Koibito (南くんの恋人)
  • [2005.01 - 2005.03] Yasashii Jikan (優しい時間)
  • [2006.03.22] Sukoshi wa, Ongaeshi ga Dekitakana (少しは、恩返しができたかな)
  • [2007.01 - 2007.03] Haikei, Chichiuesama (拝啓、父上様)
  • [2007.07 - 2007.09] Yamada Taro Monogatari (山田太郎ものがたり)
  • [2007.09.20] Marathon (マラソン)
  • [2008.07.04] Maou (魔王) (Episode 1)
  • [2008.10 - 2008.12] Ryuusei no Kizuna (流星の絆)
  • [2009.03.29] DOOR TO DOOR
  • [2009.09.24] Tengoku de Kimi ni Aetara
  • [2010.01.09] Saigou no Yakusoku
  • [2010.07.19 - 2010.09.20] Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku (Episode 10)
  • [2010.10.19 - 2010.12.21] Freeter, ie wo kau


  • [2002] Pika*nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY (ピカ☆ンチ LIFE IS HARDだけどHAPPY) - with ARASHI
  • [2003] Ao no Honou (青の炎 / Blue Light) - with Matsuura Aya & Suzuki Anne
  • [2004] Pika**nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakara HAPPY (ピカ☆☆ンチ LIFE IS HARDだからHAPPY) - with ARASHI
  • [2006] Iwo Jima Kara no Tegami (硫黄島からの手紙 / Letters from Iwo Jima)
  • [2006] Tekkon Kinkreet (鉄コン筋クリート) (Voice)
  • [2007] Kiiroi Namida (黄色い涙) - with ARASHI
  • [2009] Heaven's Door (ヘブンズ・ドア)
  • [2010] Ohoku, The Inner Chamber (大奥)
  • [2011] GANTZ


  • [1997.07 - 1997.08] STAND BY ME - with Aiba Masaki, Matsumoto Jun, and Ikuta Toma
  • [1997.08 - 1997.10] Johnny's Fantasy - KYO TO KYO
  • [2004.03] Shibuya Kara Tooku Hanarete (シブヤから遠く離れて)
  • [2005.04 - 2005.05] Riyuu Naki Hankou (理由なき反抗 / Rebel Without A Cause)
  • [2009.07.18 - 2009.08.11] Stranger on a Train (見知らぬ乗客)

Solo Songs

  • Kako (痕跡 commonly misread as "Konseki") - wrote lyrics and music
  • Niji - wrote lyrics
  • Regress of Progress - co-written with Domoto Tsuyoshi
  • Shougai Nani ga Attemo Ai Suru Hito he (生涯、何があっても愛する人へ)- wrote lyrics and music
  • Lead Vocal: Caramel Song
  • Boku ga Shiawase de Ireru Basho (僕が幸せでいれる場所) - wrote lyrics and music
  • Yume - Shibata Jun cover
  • Natsu - SMAP cover
  • Gimmick_Game_(ARASHI) - wrote lyrics and music, did arrangement
  • 1992*4 111 - wrote lyrics and music, did arrangement 
  • (2011) Doko Ni Demo Aru Uta - wrote lyrics and music, did arrangement 


  • Nintendo Wii New Super Mario Bros
  • AU by KDDI
  • Pino
  • O'Zack
  • McDonald's
  • Coca Cola 


ARASHI's : Matsumoto Jun

Full Name : Jun Matsumoto
Known As : Jun Matsumoto, MatsuJun, Jun-kun, Fishface
Nickname : Matsujun, Junji, King [by all Arashi], Jun Chan, Matsumoto kun, Do-S 
Place of Birth : Tokyo, Japan 
Date of Birth : August 30, 1983
Star Sign : Virgo
Height : 173 cm (5 ft 8 in) 
Blood Type : A 
Profession : Actor, Singer, host  
Interests : acting, music, dance, theatre, photography
Favorite Sport : baseball 
Talent agency : Johnny's Entertainment

Matsumoto was born in Toshima, Tokyo, as the youngest child in his family. He has an older sister whose support of KinKi Kids influenced his decision to join Johnny & Associates in 1996. Thinking it might bode good luck, he sent his application to the agency on his elementary school graduation day and received a phone call weeks later from president Johnny Kitagawa himself, inviting him to attend a rehearsal instead of being auditioned. Due to this, Matsumoto is frequently referred to as one of the elite within the agency.
Matsumoto graduated from Horikoshi Gakuen, a renowned high school known for its many performing arts alumnae such as Kyoko Fukada and Ai Kato, in March 2002 at the age of 18.
Matsumoto began his career in the entertainment industry when he joined the Japanese talent agency Johnny & Associates in 1996 at the age of 12. Prior to his debut as a singer with Arashi in 1999 .

He is best known for being the youngest member of the popular boy band Arashi. Since the group's debut in 1999, it has achieved 20 number one singles, 6 number one studio albums, 1 number one greatest hits compilation album and has sold 9.9 million records in Japan alone to date.

Matsumoto is also an award-winning actor and is primarily known for his roles in the Hana Yori Dango series, the first season of Gokusen, Bambino!, Kimi wa Pet and the third season of Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo.



TV Shows



  • Hyakuya no Jokishi/Valkyrie (2006)
  • East of Eden (2005)
  • West Side Story (2004) as “Bernardo” 


  • 14th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Summer 2010): Best Actor for Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku
  • 13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Spring 2009): Best Actor for Smile
  • 53rd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Actor for Bambino! (2007)
  • 10th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Jan-Mar 07): Best Supporting Actor for Hana Yori Dango 2 (2007)
  • 47th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor for Hana Yori Dango (2005)
  • 33rd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor for Gokusen (2002)

ARASHI's : Masaki Aiba

 Full Name : Masaki Aiba
Known As : Aiba Masaki 
Place of Birth : Chiba, Japan
Date of Birth : December 24, 1982
Lives in : Japan
Star Sign : Capricorn
Height : 175 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Blood Type : AB
Profession : Actor, Musician, Producer, Songwriter, TV Host 
Family : Mom, Dad, younger brother (Yusuke) 
Pets : 2 dogs (Hime and Uran), a parrot, a turtle (Gonta) 
Least Favorite Subjects : Physical Education (during winter season) 
Food : ramen, fried chicken 
Color : black and white 
Precious Treasures : everyone around him, his pets and his stuffed animal
Aiba was raised by his grandparents until he was four years old because his parents were busy running their newly-opened Chinese cuisine restaurant then.
Prior to joining Johnny & Associates, Aiba watched a program called Love Love SMAP (愛ラブSMAP Ai Rabu SMA) and saw SMAP playing basketball on television. Wanting to play basketball with them, he sent in the application to join the talent agency himself, without exactly knowing what the agency specialized in until the day of auditions. Aiba became a Johnny's Jr. in August 1996 at the age of 13.

In collaboration with the other members, he has written the lyrics to "Fight Song" and "5x10". For his solo song "Hello Goodbye", Aiba played the harmonica portion of the song throughout Arashi's Arashi Marks 2008 Dream-A-Live and Arashi Marks Arashi Around Asia 2008 concert tours. Aiba also used to play the saxophone; however, due to the collapse of one of his lungs in 2002, he was forced to stop playing due to the operation he had to undergo.



  • Shinjuku Shounen Tanteidan (新宿少年探偵団)
  • Pika✩nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY (ピカ✩ンチ LIFE IS HARDだけどHAPPY) (2002)
  • Pika★★nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakara HAPPY (ピカ★★ンチ LIFE IS HARDだからHAPPY) (2004)
  • Kiiroi Namida (黄色い涙) (2007)

TV dramas

  • Bokura no Yuuki, Mimantoshi (ぼくらの勇気 未満都市) [1997.10–12]
  • Ppoi! (っポイ!) [1999]
  • Kowai Nichiyoubi, Chap.5 “Ugokasuna!”(怖い日曜日 第5話 「動かすなっ!」) [1999.8.8]
  • V no ARASHI (Vの嵐) [1999.10]
  • Mukodono (ムコ殿) [2001]
  • Yoiko no Mikata, Chap.9 (よい子の味方~新米保育士物語~) (cameo) [2003]
  • Engimono “Kuruugamama” (演技者.「狂うがまま」) [2003.6]
  • Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru (ヤンキー母校に帰る) [2003.10–12]
  • Triple Kitchen SP [2006.8.1]
  • Kuitan (喰いタン) (cameo) [2006.09.30]
  • My Girl [2009]
  • Saigou no Yakusoku [2010]
  • Freeter, ie wo kau (Episode 10) [2010]
  • Bartender [2011]


  • Tsubame no iru eki (燕のいる駅) (2005.9.6–27)
  • Wasurerarenai hito (忘れられない人) (2007.10.22~11.18)
  • Green Fingers (グリーンフィンガーズ) (2009.02.23~03.23)


  • 13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Fall 2009): Best Actor for My Girl 
  • TV Navi Drama Awards (Fall 2009) Best Newcomer (My Girl)


Arashi (Storm) is a Japanese boy band formed under the Japanese talent agency Johnny & Associates, which announced the formation of the group on November 3, 1999 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

ARASHI debuted in 1999 under the Pony Canyon label and switched to J-Storm in 2002. 

from the left to the right : Ohno, Aiba, Jun, Nino, Sho


Aiba Masaki (相葉雅紀)  
Matsumoto Jun (松本潤) 
Ninomiya Kazunari (二宮和也) 
Ohno Satoshi    (大野智) (Leader)  
Sakurai Sho  (櫻井翔) 



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